Andrew Bob Raymond is a 22-year-old former gym assistant who enjoys watching YouTube videos, playing video games and watching sport. He is friendly and giving, but can also be very violent and a bit standoffish.

He is addicted to coffee, something which his friend Kristen David Blake pointed out when he was 15. The problem intensified in 2015. In 2017, Andrew lost his job as a gym assistant as a result of his addiction.

He is a Danish Jedi who defines himself as pansexual. He started studying sports science at college but never finished the course. He is obsessed with vintage dresses.

Physically, Andrew is not in great shape. He needs to lose quite a lot of weight. He is average-height with fair skin, white hair and black eyes.

He grew up in an upper class neighbourhood. His father left when he was young, leaving him with his mother, who was an addict.

He is currently in a relationship with Kristin Jakob Hope. Kristin is 18 years older than him and works as a lab assistant.

Andrew’s best friend is a former gym assistant called Kristen Blake. They have a very firey friendship. He also hangs around with Anika Spencer and Gabriel Randall. They enjoy watching television together.